Hide and Seek

From Pastor Cristy

What a popular game we played as kids. Hide and Seek was a neighborhood favorite. We would set the boundaries within the neighborhood and then take off on foot, bike, skateboard, etc., while the Seeker started shouting the countdown so we all could hear. About 10 of us would scatter to hide and wait in excited anticipation for the Seeker to find us. Our version included being tagged; you were not "it" next unless the Seeker tagged you before you hit the safe spot. The only way to be safe was to hit the bricks that made the corner of our porch. Oftentimes, the Seeker would be running and trying to catch us before we slapped the bricks

Seekers had to be intentionally seeking and keeping a close eye out. They were hypervigilant and used all of their senses to find those that were hiding. Seekers didn't just hang out on the porch waiting for the hiders to come and be safe at the bricks.

Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost as we see in Luke 19:10 - "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.

I often think about Jesus coming to save. This verse opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus WENT OUT LOOKING for the lost. He made Himself available and was SEEKING after those who needed salvation. He was often in the public; in the crowd; at the party; seen among the festivals, weddings, and gatherings. He talked to people. He was available to the sick, the outcast, the children and the women. He was constantly about His Father's business in the public eye. He was intentional in seeking people out!

Do I seek lost people? Do I purpose myself in public to find those that are lost? Am I available to the searching, the hurting, the outcast? I want to challenge all of us to not sit at the porch of our church waiting for the lost to come, but to go out and SEEK them like Jesus did! We can seek them and Jesus will save them!

A great start for those who don't practice this is to just begin talking to people in public! In the course of your conversation, see if there is a need in that person's life. Jesus is the answer to all of their needs, but He just may use YOU to be His hands, feet, and voice to that person. Ask the Spirit to lead you to what this person really needs and then follow Him as He leads you to encourage your new friend. Of course, you can invite them to church, but more importantly, invite them to Jesus!


Don't Get Stuck On Your Own Understanding


The Light of Men